
Thursday Tips, Tricks & Trends

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While we often shop for pairs of item — think table lamps, and chairs — the rule of three shows up in a variety of places.

Whether we are talking about writing, photography or home design, the power of the odd number is visible. Following the rule of three in your home design helps to add impact.

Things arranged in odd numbers are appealing and three seems to be the favored number, although depending on the grouping, higher digit odd numbers can also be used.

The arrangement of three items can be used throughout your home. Whether setting up items on a shelf or coffee table, a set of three creates a setting with pattern. This can be carried through with lighting above your bar, or the number of barstools used!

The rule of three is also helpful when setting up a gallery wall. Keep your numbers odd though to keep the interest and employ the rule!

Another interesting application of the rule three can be how it could be applied with the materials being used, the heights of the pieces, and even in selecting art and the colors used.

What are ways you’ve employed the rule of three in your own design?